tisdag 23 mars 2010

Using the gift

Following a wonderful gig by Sambassadeur this Friday (where I turned up early and snatched one of the few chairs available) where I enjoyed their beautiful tunes with sipping some red wine, this music week continued in best possible for me personally.

Two christmases ago I got an LP-player (to my surprise, but it was a happy surprise). So far I had only listened to my parents old records and bought one new for myself (the brilliant Swede in Cocoanut groove). Yesterday when I was in Stockholm returning borrowed books to the librabry and doing some other stuff I made an unplanned visit to a record store andbought four LP:s which makes my own collection five times bigger than it was before...

These included one with Curtis Mayfield and the best from his Impressions years, one old album with Charlatans and two with indie bands which are new to me, but which I am looking forward to listen to.

/The Drumming Cat

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