torsdag 7 april 2011

Visit the Tropics in Stockholm

Yes it´s possible! Even in this cold part of the world. A couple of friends of mine are running a great club called Tropikerna (The Tropics) which is a really good place to go if you are visiting Stockholm. Here is where you find adrress for the club etc. Their next gig is on April 16th, the same date as another friend was djing in Stockholm. Below is one video where I interview Klas and Pontus who runs the club. And then there is also one video with an example of what you can expect from this club.


/ The Drumming Cat

An example of what to expect:

3 kommentarer:

  1. wow!! this sounds cool. I'd love to be there!! what is the song called that is playing in the second video?

  2. fern kinney - love me tonight!


  3. Men varför snackar ni på Engelska för grabbar? Tror ni verkligen någon utanför Stockholm bryr sig?
