onsdag 29 september 2010

Swedish music for the autumn

The Swedish autumn for music looks really promising! Here are some artists I highly recommend for the new season.

Korallreven is releasing a new album. The song "Honey mine" featuring Victoria Bergsman from Taken by trees is already a favourite.

The Concretes is also releasing a new album. "All Day" and "Good evening" are already hits in the Swedish public service radio.

Niki and the Dove is one of the most hyped artists in Sweden right now.

I´ll be back with more Swedish recommendations soon!

/The Drumming Cat

måndag 27 september 2010

Marriage music

My brother got married this weekend so i attended a beatiful wedding in Stockholm with a great party afterwards. I thougt their choice of music was so brilliant it was well worth to share it on my blog with this spotify playlist.

in the church they had a duo who played two songs and then Beach boys "God only knows" as they walked out of the church.

For the party in the evening they had brought in a live band that made some really cool versions of different songs. A few are also listed in the track list. If youré getting married soon, hopefully this can inspire you.

Songs in the church
John Legend - Stay with you
The Ordinary boys - I Luv U
The Beach Boys - God only knows

Selected songs at the party
Al Green - Lets stay together (the song the wedding couple danced their first dance to, very suiting)
The Coral - Dreaming of you
MGMT - Kids
Bob Dylan - Like a rolling stone
Oskar Linnros - Från och med du

/ The Drumming Cat

torsdag 23 september 2010

Song list against racism

With the recent events following the Swedish election, i decided to create a Spotify playlist against racism. Two suiting songs from Billy paul followed by two songs from every continent in the world.

Track list
1. Billy Paul - Am I Black Enough For You?
2. Billy Paul - Let E´m In
3. Sheila Chandra - All you want is more (India)
4. Shugo Tokumaru - Button (Japan)
5. Amadou & Miriam - Sabali (Mali)
6. The Sahara All Stars Of Jos - Take Your Soul (Nigeria)
7. The Sugargliders - Aprahan (Australia)
8. Cut Copy - Lights & music (Australia)
9. Os Mutantes - Baby (Brazil)
10. Lord Kitchener -London Is The Place For Me (Trinidad & Tobago)
11. The Whitest Boy Alive - 1517 (Norway/Germany)
12. Tahiti 80 - 1000 times (France)

/The Drumming Cat

måndag 13 september 2010

If Swedish music was the government...

Soon it´s election time in Sweden. A new government will be formed based on the results from September 19th. But what if the government was all about music, Who would be the people most suitable to be placed in government? These are my choices.

Prime minister: Jens Lekman.
Why? Clearly the best Swedish artist of the 2000s. Great both on record and live. In short, Jens Lekman rules!

Foreign minister: Victoria Bergsman (Taken by trees).
Why? She has already proved her competence abroad. Last year her great album ”East of Eden” was recorded with local musicians in Pakistan. Used to travelling and interacting with other people in foreign countries, of course this ministerial post is perfect for her!

Finance minister: Anders Wedin (Moneybrother).
Why? The name speaks for itself.

Justice minister: All band members of Love is all.
Why? If every person was filled with what this band name stands for all crimes would soon come to an end...

Defence minister: Jenny Wilson.
Why? Used to go around on stage with a rifle while she played songs from her latest album “Hardships” in 2009. Seems suitable for this post...

Education minister: Andres Lokko.
Why? Swedish music journalist Andres Lokko knows everything that is worth knowing about music. He claims the post in hard competition with fellow journalist Fredrik Strage, but the former´s love for Orange Juice is decisive.

Environment minister: Sarah Assbring (El Perro Del Mar).
Why? What a wonderful planet we would have if it was as beautiful as Sarah´s meolodies. Listen to both “From the valley to the stars” and “Love is not pop” and you will know what I mean.

Commerce minister: Johan Angergård (The Legends, Club 8, Acid House Kings, Labrador Records).
Why? Runs the record label Labrador records and is playing with several other bands. This ministerial post is of course reserved for a person this full of energy.

Integration- and gender equality minister: Annika Norlin (Hello Saferide and Säkert!).
Why? Has written brilliant songs about gender equality in both Swedish and English. Her language skills, intelligent lyrics and background as a journalist also wants me to appoint her as the government´s spokesperson.

Culture minister: Magnus Carlson (lead singer Weeping Willows).
Why? Rules night life in Stockholm. His after this summer defunct Sing-along club at Debaser and his club Bangers N´Mash are two vert good examples. In the latter he mixes the latest indie goodies with classic soul, Madchester, indie classics and a lot of other good stuff to dance to.

/ The Drumming Cat